ABOUT GEOBIZExpected results

Project planned activities and the expected results for target groups

Project planned activities and the expected results for target groups are:

HEI students
New modern technologically advanced and on real business-driven problem-based cases designed geoinformatics courses will be designed, implemented and introduced in curriculum of partner universities enabling the students to gain advanced geoinformatics knowledge and skills required by business sector from new graduate entering industry.
HEI teachers
Through participation in the project more than 50 teachers will undercome advanced geoinformatics training and supplemental education in specific geoinformatics topics, trained in practical case, theory and methodology. Further, purchased equipment will allow teachers to implement designed courses, and continuously work on their upgrade in cooperation with business sector.
Geoinformatics companies
Will profit from business-academia cooperation in several ways. Improve cooperation with academic sector, get another source of information, get access to student population and be in position to choose best students for their businesses, influence curriculum modernisation process in accordance to their needs and get partner in scientific and professional projects.
Geoinformatics and related professionals
Will get in first line who is building geoinformatics ecosystem in their country. Further, new sources and tools of communication and platform for cooperation with possibility to choose level of involvement.
HEI’s providing geoinformatics (and related) studies
On institutional level HEI’s involved in project will strengthen their internal capacities and gain higher attraction of the scholars for inscription in geoinformatics and related study programmes what is relevant issue for many HEI’s in Europe.
Governmental authorities, public administration and agencies
As a final and in Partner countries most important user of geoinformatics services and products this group of stakeholders in profiting with all components and results of the project.

Official web site of GEOBIZ project funded by European Union under ERASMUS+ KA2 Capacity Building in Higer Education.

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